The Kimberley Agreement

The Kimberley Agreement: A Step Towards Conflict-Free Diamond Trade

The Kimberley Agreement, also known as the Kimberley Process Certification Scheme, is a joint government, industry, and civil society initiative aimed at preventing the trade of conflict diamonds. Conflict diamonds, also called blood diamonds, are diamonds that are mined in war zones and sold to finance armed conflict against governments.

The Kimberley Agreement was launched in 2002 and is named after the South African city where the first meeting was held. It aims to regulate the trade of rough diamonds and ensure that they are ethically and legally sourced. The agreement requires that all rough diamonds be accompanied by a certificate of origin, which guarantees that the diamond was mined in a conflict-free zone.

The Kimberley Process Certification Scheme has been successful in reducing the trade of conflict diamonds. Since its inception, the number of countries that produce conflict diamonds has decreased from 23 to just a handful. The agreement has also helped to increase transparency in the diamond trade, which has improved the overall reputation of the industry.

However, the Kimberley Process Certification Scheme is not without its flaws. Critics argue that the agreement does not go far enough to address human rights abuses and environmental concerns associated with diamond mining. The definition of conflict diamonds is also limited to those used to finance armed conflict against governments, and does not include those used to finance other forms of violence such as child labor or environmental destruction.

Despite these criticisms, the Kimberley Agreement remains an important step towards conflict-free diamond trade. Countries and companies that participate in the agreement are taking a proactive stance against the trade of conflict diamonds and are committed to ensuring that diamonds are ethically and sustainably sourced.

As consumers, we also have a role to play in ensuring that the diamonds we purchase are conflict-free. By choosing to buy diamonds from companies that participate in the Kimberley Process Certification Scheme, we can help to support ethical and sustainable diamond mining practices.

In conclusion, the Kimberley Agreement is an important initiative that has made significant strides in reducing the trade of conflict diamonds. While it may not be perfect, it is a step in the right direction towards a more transparent and ethical diamond industry. By continuing to support the initiative, we can help to ensure that the diamonds we purchase are not tainted by the horrors of war and exploitation.

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